diversified resources

Eco Systems

The United Nation Environmental Programme Division (UNEP DTIE IETC) reported in March 2010 that:

…the 20th century waste management focus was
- how do we get rid of our waste efficiently with minimum damage to public health and the environment?
…the 21st century resource management focus is
- how do we handle our discarded resources in ways which do not deprive future generations of some, if not all, of our values?’

The three main constituents of the Sustainability Eco System are:

  1. food
  2. waste
  3. energy

Helio Planet has a major part to play within the Sustainability Eco System with activities focusing on service delivery in the processing of valuable waste resources.

To sustain a balanced 'ECO SYSTEM' the forces of social, environment and economic must be at equilibrium, thus:

  • 'Liveable' is the overlap of social and environmental
  • 'Viable' is the overlap of environmental and economic
  • 'Equitable' is the overlap of economic and social

Our sustainability and survival on this planet is balanced when our ecological environment is in sync with our waste production.

When waste production volumes are at levels where we cannot effectively and timely process what is generated, then, the sustainability equation is tipped against ecology.

When there is less circle overlap of liveable, viable and equitable there is less sustainability until a crisis point is reached.

When the overlap circles disappear...there is NO sustainability.

Help us 'move the circles in...' by joining the 'add the dot...' campaign.

Each dot we add on the map represents new hope that waste is effectively and economically processed.

Help us add Helio Reactor Units (HRU) to every dot on the planet.
By adding dots we activate another '...nature's little helper'

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