Local Energy Generation


The largest waste dumps in the world hold millions of tonnes of waste and render thousands of hectares of land as desolate and unusable.

These smelly, contaminated and full of disease open waste dumps are growing by the day. These dumps have the potential to become waste feedstock to the HRU for the production of resources which in-turn can be used to generate electricity.

All recovered resources from the HRU are capable of becoming feedstock for the appropriate turbines to generate electricity for connection to the grid. These turbines may use various input sources to drive them, such as:

  • steam
  • coal
  • diesel
  • gas

Helio Planet’s activities focus on processing discarded waste and economically producing valuable resources for re-use or sale.

There are many global initiatives for 'Waste-To-Electricity' (w2e) and Helio Planet has a major part to play within the ‘Sustainability Eco System’. The three main constituents of the Sustainability Eco System are:

  1. food
  2. waste
  3. energy

An example of Helio Planet's 'Waste-To-Energy' (w2e) process is where Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is collected and used as waste feedstock into the HRU. The HRU then produces bio-gas which drives the 'Heat-2-Electricity' (h2e) units to generated electricity for local distribution via the power grid or local storage in batteries.

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