new derivative
Bio-Oil is used as an on site energy generation (diesel fired turbine) and off site generation in suitable circumstances.
The HRU process creates a crude oil substitute (Bio-Oil) that can be used to make plastic and has attracted considerable research attention because of its huge potential as a substitute for conventional fuels.
Bio-oil obtained by the LTNE process of lignocellulosic biomass contains a range of chemicals such as:
- acids (e.g. acetic acid)
- anhydrosugars (e.g. levoglucosan)
- furanics (e.g. furan, furfural)
- phenolics (e.g. guaiacol)
- aldehydes and
- ketones
These bio-based chemicals and bio-based fuels are potential alternatives to petroleum-based chemicals and fuels, such as gasoline, diesel or jet fuel, but need to be up-graded by removing oxygen before they can find widespread use. Many scientists are currently investigating such alternate products as a substitute for conventional fuels.
Bio-Oil can be combusted directly in boilers, gas turbines and slow and medium speed diesel turbines for heat and power applications.
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